May 12, 2024| 35 0

My First Flight On A Gyrocopter

In May of 2023, I was participating in a Young Eagles Rally at Lincoln Airport and there was a gyrocopter. A gyrocopter looks like a small helicopter but the main difference is that there is no engine turning the rotor blades and the engine is in the back. The rotors self propel due to the way the air flows through them. The adults that were staffin …

February 3, 2018| 20 0

Due to bad weather, all flights to Germany and Belgium were canceled.

Integer maximus accumsan nunc, sit amet tempor lectus facilisis eu. Cras vel elit felis. Vestibulum convallis ipsum id aliquam varius. Etiam nec laoreet turpis. Aenean nisi libero, tempor non sem vitae, hendrerit egestas ex. Nam magna odio, placerat ac risus tristique, viverra tincidunt nibh. Donec vitae leo efficitur, bibendum nibh ac, pretium urn …

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